Ashbeck has landed a verse on the new Ted Loco produced track 'Think I Can' alongside grime legend Eyez and seasoned MC P from Lee.
You'll likely recognize the Local Geezers member Ted Loco's distinctive sound from his recent collaborative tape 'Cognac Arcade' with Jimida Killa that was featured heavily on our playlist. Check out our article on that here.
The song is centered around a pulsing bassy grime infused beat courtesy of Ted himself and a head-bopping hook from the Derby man, Eyez (check out 'Middle Finger' too if you haven't heard that from back in 2018!). It leaves the perfect platform for P and Ashbeck to spit their meaningful verses.
This is Ashbeck's first appearance following on from his 'Starmix' album released at the end of March, show that some love too here!
Listen to Ted's new single 'Think I Can' here -

Words by: Jack Slade